When we reached Siloso beach, there was a sea. Of course not the sea and beach kind of sea,here I'm taking about a sea of people playing volleyball. We thought we might be able to get a volleyball court thinking that we were still early. But alas, there was a volleyball competition going on and out of all the courts, only two were left for public usage. Guess we just have to make do with the beach. Changyan, Gloriane, Stephanie and myself started playing first while Eugene and Eric were making their way here. The sun was blazing hot and the beach was literally scorching our feet. For a split moment, I wonder are all Thaipusum burning Charcoal walkers all volleyball trained? Treading our feet on the beach seems like walking on burning coal...IT'S HOT!!!!
After playing for just about 10 minute (passing volleyball in our circle of 4), I totally entered into a state of "daze". It was so unbearably hot that I decided to call for a time out. To my surprise this time out comes in timely and very much needed as everyone of us is feeling the heat and close to natural combustion. Soon, Eric and Eugene reached and the first thing they head for, a soak into the sea. They were close to their melting point. Somehow most of us felt lethargic due to the heatwave, other than our hearthrob Changyan who's so full of energy and strength. He reminded me of those years when I was younger and hyper active. Likewise he reminded me how far different I had "mutated" over the years.
Back to the beach, the rest of the people started playing and now Stephanie and myself went for a dip in the sea. While we were soaking in the water, Eugene came to us and told us that Eric had gotten a court. Amazing yet nothing amazing. Amazing because Eric is always so resourceful and he click and build rapport with people as easy and natural as us breathing air. Nothing amazing because this is Eric and to him, it's a in born gift of building rapport with anyone, anywhere. They had a match with another team and they won with ease. Why with ease? Because the moment changyan or yongqing serve the ball over, the points are secured without any retaliation...
A tall and lean young man walk up to me and asked me if i recognised him. To be honest, I don't recognised him at all (Yang Yang, if you ever read this, please forgive me). After revealing his identity, I was totally dumbfounded. This person is non other than my long time friend victor's younger brother; Chuen Yang (we have been calling him Yang Yang since his primary school). He has grown from a chubby boy to become such a tall, lean and handsome fine young man and he is currently serving his NS and will ORD this November. Time really flies. Look at him and look at me and you will know what I meant.
Together with Yang Yang and his team, we played Captain ball. Within 10 minute of intensive running, jumping and yelling, both teams were exhausted and we ended the match with Yang Yang's team winning. My team suffered most "damages". Our joints and muscles are giving way and we were totally exhausted. It is at this moment we realised we forgotten that we had left something barbequeing and they were totally burnt!!! They were our bodies. Almost everyone of us were so well barbequed that we resembled lobsters. The person that was most well BBQ was Eugene and followed by both Stephanie and myself. We were in pain.......help....
It's currently 2am 31st August as I'm typing this entry. Stephanie and myself felt asleep at about 930am and we completely knock out after applying Aloe Vera Gel

Oh, one last thing, I thought that Eric is very much like Naruto.

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